Av John W.Olsen  

Do you want to become a member of IF Fløya?


If you or your child want to become a member of IF Fløya, these information will give you some guidelines of how to do it.


Enter . Here you will administrate all of your memberships in norwegian sport.  If you are not a member of any club or sport, choose «New user» on top right and then registrate your personal information.  Remember that this is your information and not your sons or daughters (if you are going to registrate your son/daughter).  NB!  Remember your username and password, you will need it a lot later!!


To parents: Ad new familymember.  Choose existing or register new if your child is not registered earlier.  Remember that all other clubs also use this registation, so if your son or daughter is a member of any another club, you might be registered earlier.  Enter correct information, also adress, e-mail and mobil number.


After doing this, you can start to register your son, daughter or yourself in a club.


For you or your child: Choose the tab «medlemskap» and enter «Finn klubb».

Write                        FLØYA
Choose sport           FOTBALL
Choose fylke           TROMS
Mark                        Fløya IF
Fotball, Bueskyting
                               then ENTER


Then IF Fløya will show up. Tick of and send your inquiry

If you can on your right can make chose between Fotball or Bueskyting, choose the one you want.


If you have problems, you can try the interactive userinformation on youtube ( or contact me and then I can help you through over the phone.


IF Fløya will then receive an enquiry conserning a membership. We will also have all the information we need for the comming member and you will receive all comming information, payment to the Club, throught these registration.  That is why it is very important that you remember your username and password for later log in.